Friday, December 10, 2010

"Volunteerism Study Offers Groups Tips on Keeping Recruits"

Volunteerism Study Offers Groups Tips on Keeping Recruits
By: Tobi Cohen, Postmedia News
December 9, 2010

            According to studies made by Volunteer Canada, many pf the people that do volunteer work have had at least one “negative experience” in the work place. These studies were done with four groups of people: baby-boomers, youth, families and employment-supported volunteers. It has been shown in these studies that what volunteers are looking for and what the work site offers often differ making the people want to volunteer less or not at all. More than 550 volunteers were interviewed as well as over a thousand Canadian households and more than 200 non-profit volunteer organizations. Some people have complained that they are being discriminated against because of their age and others say that many organizations don’t give enough responsibilities and make the volunteers feel like their work doesn’t make a difference at all. Volunteer organizations need to pay attention to these concerns and make it easier and more enjoyable for someone to want to do volunteer work. Volunteers are what keep these organizations running so they need to make volunteerism more inviting. If things don’t change soon as suggested by Volunteer Canada, the number of volunteers will decrease largely and many of these organizations will have to close down due to a lack of volunteers to keep them going. Some ways to get people involved again are giving them more responsibilities so they feel like their time pays off and giving people bigger tasks that motivate them more. If these organizations improve these minor things, the number of volunteers across Canada will largely increase.

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