Wednesday, December 15, 2010

“Latin American and Caribbean Countries Have Bright Economic Outlook”

“Latin American and Caribbean Countries Have Bright Economic Outlook”
By: Marco’t Hoen
Epoch Times Staff
December 14, 2010 

            According to a report done by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean of the United Nations (ECLAC), Latin American and the Caribbean countries’ economies will recover with the GDP per person increasing 4.8%. Those countries in the Caribbean that are non English or Dutch speaking, are the one who have recovered the most. The only country whose economy has dropped is Haiti and this is due to the plague that just invaded the country. Not only is the economy growing but also the opportunity for jobs and the quality of the jobs are highly increasing.  This increase in the economy of these countries is crucial to the lifestyle of all the families that live in them. We often don’t realize that many of these people have low resources and the increase in jobs will make life easier for families and for the generations to come. This article makes us realize how lucky we are to have everything we do and makes us think about those who are less fortunate. The increase in all of this will help not only the small countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, but it’ll also increase our global economy which is something that will benefit us all.

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