Thursday, December 16, 2010

“Nepal Plane Crash Kills All 22 On Board”

Nepal Plane Crash Kills All 22 On Board”
By: Claire Cozens
PostMedia News, The Vancouver Sun
December 16, 2010

            A small plane of 22 passengers crashes in eastern Nepal killing all 19 passengers and three crew members. According to Bimlesh Lal Karna, the head of the rescue operation, all the bodies have been recovered and mostly all have been identified. This wasn’t due to any mechanical failure, apparently the plane was flying lower than usual and one of the wings clipped a mountain top causing the plane to crash. Out of all these 22 people only one of them was an American citizen and the rest of them were thought to be all from Nepal but seem to be from Bhutan who were just traveling to visit a Buddhist site around that area. This news article is different from the usual plane crashes because it was just the fact that the plane flew lower than usual that the plane crashed. The crashing of an airplane this way will make people think twice before making a decision as to what airline they travel with which might not be good for Tara Air. Tara Air might see a downfall in their flight but the fact that it was such a small plane with that little amount of passengers going through a place with mountains so close to your plane contributes to the plane crash one way or another. 

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