Wednesday, December 15, 2010

“Cancun Climate Change Summit Offers More Hope Than Expected”

“Cancun Climate Change Summit Offers More Hope Than Expected”
By: Kremena Krumova
Epoch Times Staff
December 12, 2010
            Representatives of the 194 member states at the Cancun climate change summit reached a decision that they’d help poor countries build a sustainable future and convincing them that being eco friendly is a good thing that we should all do. However, places like Canada and larger countries want to stop this because having this means they would have to cut back on their emissions and financially help undeveloped countries to be more conscious of their footprint. Those people that are experts on the situation say this is extremely necessary in order for the world to be able to properly deal with global warming. This is a very good initiative to take because the fact that many countries don’t do much about global warming doesn’t mean it is not our problem. For underdeveloped countries to not do much about it is in a way more understandable because they might not have what’s necessary to help global warming and also because they might not be as informed about it as the bigger countries are. The fact that many big countries don’t want to get involved in this situation is in a way selfish and not a good attitude to take towards the problem since most of the carbon footprint is most likely to come from big, developed countries than from small, undeveloped ones.

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