Monday, December 13, 2010

"Teach Your Children To Sometimes go without"

Teach Your Children to Sometimes go without”
By: Kathy Lynn, Special to North Shore News
December 8, 2010
                Now that Christmas is getting closer, parents are reminded that kids do not need to get everything on their wish list and that maybe one or two items in the list will make it under the tree. The woman who wrote this article believes that a wish list creates a problem because these days, is it not a wish list anymore but more like an “expectation” list. Parents are reminded through this article that kids do not need the latest, newest thing out and that teaching them to go without will help them in the long run. One way she suggests that one way for the kids to not expect everything they put on their list is to make them set priorities and pick only a few things from the list of things they’d like to get for Christmas. The message sent through this article is one that many of us don’t even pay attention to anymore. We don’t really need everything we ask for during Christmas and teaching kids to not ask for as much and only for those things that are truly necessary will help the future of everyone and make the world a better place.  Setting priorities and letting go of things that are not necessary is what every Christmas everywhere should be about which is why this article is great.

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